
Brand Story

Brand that  everyone wants

Puradak is  the brand that leads the chicken trend to provide a special experience to the  customers.
Puradak goes  beyond just the regular chicken and finds values in food for great customer  experience.
Puradak is  the perfect choice for the customers who know how to enjoy quality food, and  an ideal model for the future franchise owners who understand the culinary  value. It is a valuable brand that everyone wants to be part of.
We provide a  special experience to our customers.

The best  taste and service we provide confirms the customers have made the right  choice to patronize our products.



Our  differentiated brand concept leads the trend in industry.

“Chicken, transformed into a dish”

The  oven-to-fryer method that Puradak pursues picked out the advantages of both  baking and frying to create the new third generation cooking method.
Puradak’s chicken dishes are first baked in the oven to maintain the juiciness  on the inside and fried after to make it crispy on the outside.
Puradak’s chicken dishes are created through constant research and  development from our expert chefs.
We create the  unrivaled chicken dishes to deliver the culinary value of the chicken to our  customers.


Puradak Chicken
Black-Devil Half & Half Chicken
MAD Garlic Chicken